Health & Safety Consultancy Services is an independent Scottish-based Fit2Fit Accredited Face Fit Testing provider. We cover Inverness, Aberdeen, Perth, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the Borders. With our network of Fit2Fit Accredited providers, we can cover the rest of the UK.
When it comes to respiratory protection equipment the wearer’s health is the top priority. It’s more than a face fit test. It’s someone’s life.
Lung diseases can be caused by exposures in the workplace, including:
- Respiratory cancers, including lung cancer and mesothelioma
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Silicosis, asbestosis and other forms of pneumoconiosis
- Occupational asthma
- Diffuse pleural thickening and pleural plaques
- Allergic alveolitis and byssinosis
Face Fit Testing.
Mandatory for the following types of RPE masks:
- Disposable half masks
- Re-usable filter or cartridge half masks
- Full-face filter or cartridge masks
- Self-contained breathing apparatus masks

Respirator users may have a false sense of security when wearing inappropriate or poor fitting respiratory equipment, which could result in severe implications for the user’s health.
Research indicates that up to 50% of all respirators do not offer the wearer the level of protection assumed and one of the major reasons for this is that it simply doesn’t fit. H+SCS offers you peace of mind with our range of fit testing options to help ensure your employees are protected with a correctly fitted mask.

Fit2Fit Mission Statement: To improve the respiratory health of those wearing tight fitting Respiratory Protective Equipment through being face-fit tested by a Fit2Fit Accredited provider.
Fit and Protect (One Size Does Not Fit All)
A face-fit test is a simple test that checks whether a person’s mask fits their face shape and size.
As people come in all sorts of shapes and sizes it is unlikely that one particular type or size of RPE facepiece will fit everyone. A face-fit test will help ensure that the RPE selected is suitable for the wearer’s facial features.
The study of sizes, proportions, and variations in human characteristics.
Relevance of facial anthropometrics during the respirator selection stage.
It is vitally important to select the correct respiratory protective equipment that maximises protection for each user. A successful fit test only verifies that the correct mask size is selected and the user knows how to correctly don the mask. In combination with face-fit testing, training also plays an important role. For example, pre-use inspection, correct donning, and seal check enhance a successful safe tight fit.
Safety Made Simpler